In line with our vision and mission, we work with young people, vulnerable adults and also appreciate the ‘power difference’ between those in leadership and the persons they lead as potential sources of abuse. We therefore acknowledge the need to protect and guard all those under our care from any form of abuse.


We recognize that we all have a responsibility to help prevent the physical, sexual,
psychological, financial and discriminatory abuse and neglect of adults at risk of harm and abuse and to report any such abuse that we discover or suspect
We believe every person should be valued, safe and at ease. All persons whom we have contact with should know this and be empowered to tell us if they are experiencing harm.
We undertake to exercise proper care in the appointment and selection of those who will work with children and adults with the care and support they need.
We recognize that we all have a responsibility to help prevent the physical, sexual,
psychological, financial and discriminatory abuse and neglect of adults at risk of harm and abuse and to report any such abuse that we discover or suspect.
We recognize the personal dignity and rights of adults and will ensure all our policies and procedures will reflect this.

We are committed to:

Following statutory and specialist guidelines in relation to safeguarding children and
adults and will ensure that as an institution all workers will work within the agreed
procedure of our safeguarding policy.
Ensuring that everyone agrees to abide by these recommendations and the guidelines established by this place of organization
Implementing the requirements of the Children’s Act 2022 and all other relevant legislation in Kenya.
Ensuring that we are up to date with national and local developments relating to safeguarding.
Supporting, resourcing and training those who undertake this work.
Supporting all people in iServe Africa affected by abuse.

We recognize:

Where an allegation suggests that a criminal offence may have been committed, we should abide by the dictates of the law.

Safeguarding is everyone’s responsibility.

Practical Commitments:

In line with our vision and mission, we work with young people, vulnerable adults and also appreciate the ‘power difference’ between those in leadership and the persons they lead as potential sources of abuse. We therefore acknowledge the need to protect and guard all those under our care from any form of abuse and commit to:

Care for and monitor any staff, volunteer and visitor of the organization who may pose a risk to children and adults whilst maintaining appropriate confidentiality and the safety of all.
Take steps to protect children and young people when a safeguarding concern of any kind arises, following our Code of Conduct, including immediately notifying the Safeguarding officer.
Safely recruit, train and support those with responsibility for children, young people and adults to have the confidence and skills to recognize and respond to abuse.
Familiarize all staff and volunteers through the code of conduct and this policy and have them sign to confirm that they agree to its contents.
Ensure that there is appropriate insurance cover for all activities involving children and adults undertaken in the name of iServe Africa.
Offer support and counseling to victims/survivors of abuse regardless of the type of abuse, when or where it occurred.
Have a named iServe Africa Safeguarding Officer (ISA-SO) to work with the Staff and volunteers to implement policy and procedures.
Display on our premises and on our website details of whom to contact with safeguarding concerns
Safely recruit and support all those with any responsibility related to children, young people and vulnerable adults within the organisation.
Caring pastorally for victims/survivors of abuse and other affected persons.
Caring for those who are the subject of concerns or allegations of abuse.
Respond appropriately to those who may pose or present risk to others.
Respond promptly to safeguarding concerns or allegations.
Listen to and take seriously all those who disclose abuse.

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